Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Reflecting back this 4th of July

  With the 4th of July right around the corner, I found myself thinking how grateful I am to live in this amazing country.  A few years back in the thick of my music career,  I had the great opportunity to go on a thirty day tour around the country visiting military bases, ships and hospitals.  At that time my brother Jake was also serving in Iraq so the tour had a very special place in my heart.
One day really stands out in my mind every time I reflect back on that amazing opportunity, and that was the day that I went to the Walter Reed Hospital and went from room to room singing and talking to soldiers who had just come from war and were badly injured.  One soldier that really stands out in my mind was a twenty year old kid who before he was deployed was a bronc rider in the rodeos.  As I sat at the foot of his bed, he spoke of the terrible day that left him with no legs, one arm and a broken back.  With his one good arm he reached up to grasp the hoist that was hanging from the ceiling and sat up so he could see me better.  He said "Will you sing me another song?"  With a lump in my throat, I began to sing another song for him.  I sat there singing song after song for him as he requested while his sweet mother sat in the rocking chair by his bed.  I remember thinking to myself how lucky.. and alot of times un-greatful we are for what all the men and women serving our country have done for us.  There he was with life changing injuries from serving our country and all he wanted from me was a song.  That day forever changed my life.  I am so amazed by the sacrifices that the military community makes for us, and I am so humbled by them.  As I went from room to room, there was one thing that all of those men and women had in commen and that was that they all said they would do it again in a heartbeat.
We owe them so much.   Let us all remember to show our gratitude and appreciation this 4th of July for their service and for giving us the gift of freedom.  Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!!
"Red White and Blue Night In Georgia"

This is a video of a song that I recorded in Nashville while my brother was serving in Iraq.  It ended up being the title track of the album we released.  This song is dedicated to all the men and women who have served our country.  And to my brother Jake Taylor who received two purple hearts while serving in Iraq.   I hope you enjoy it.  It is also available on itunes. 

My brother Jake and I before being deployed

Jake in Iraq

Run for the warriors 

Camp Lejeune run for the warriors

Fort Hood Texas

Sky diving with the golden knights!

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